Job Search Platform
Goal of the project is to create a platform for both job seekers and recruiters.
We aim to create a service which is ready to adapt to growing number of users automatically without loss in performance, by using microservice archivetucre designed with scaling in mind.
Project will allow recruiters to save time thanks to pre-verification built-in the website as the custom quizzing mechanism, will allow the recruiters pre-evaulute the candidates using their own custom quizzes, And later connect with the few selected best candidates using integrated chat service.
Additionally the service will provide the analytical insights about market state and monthly trends as well as activity and behaviours of job seekers, to allow them to be more informed about their work perspectives. Job seekers will be supported be a recommendation algorithm that takes as an input personal settings as well as activity on site.
\newline \newline Business goals: \begin{itemize} \item high availability \item scalability \item closing the gap between recruiters and job seekers \item analytic services \end{itemize} \newline \newline
The project will bring improvements in terms of high-availability infrastructure, and make it easier for recruiters and job seekers to connect during recruitment process.
We use a variety of technologies to ensure the stability and performance of our service.